The Black Hole of Learning

“The longer of I have taught, the more I have tried to use that model.  Admittedly, I let that slip a little lately and noticed that my students started to work their way further and further away from the front of the room and move toward what I like to call the “Corner of Apathy.”  So, I put up the caution tape and attached the note you see in the picture.”

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“Alexa… please stop allowing bad role modeling and stereotyping women!”

We are now role modeling for young men (and old) that you can speak at a female voice in any manner whatsoever and she will immediately respond to your request regardless of how speak to her!  NOT OK… We have plenty of young men who already have enough poor role modeling of how to treat women in their lives, we don’t need an AI to help with that cause.

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Catastrophe: 5 Ways to role model being the eye of the storm for others

Of course, the crisis we deal with at schools and camps may not be as life or death as a hurricane, however, whatever it may be, preparing yourself for the face of adversity can make a difference for the way you respond in front of kids.  Here are some big takeaways I have gotten from watching these true calm, cool and collected role models.

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